About: Diane

Recent Posts by Diane

Softness in the Summer Garden

Add some softness into theĀ  summer garden with greys, silver and pinks. These colours shimmer in the evening light adding a coolness to the garden....

Wasabi -Flavour – Flavour

Excited to add wasabi to the range! We have sourced a reliable variety. Not the easiest plant to grow but well worth a try. I’ve...

Magnificent Magnolias

Deciduous Magnolias are starting to flower in the regions gardens. Many varieties now sold are ideal for the more temperate climates. Flowering beautifully from the...

Tree Dahlias – Dahlia Imperialis

Tree Dahlias grow between 2-3 metres and flower profusely mid to late Autumn. They are herbaceous. They do not need to be lifted and stored...

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